Harlow & Dahlia Resource Guide: Covid-19 & Navigating its Effect on Weddings
This is an unusual post for my company. We are not discussing style design, beauty but rather addressing how to navigate your wedding and events amidst a global pandemic crisis. Just writing the term brings me shivers and tears to my eyes. I created my business to inspire joy to my clients, to myself and to the world.
When I think of any event and in particular weddings, I think of happy moments, laughter, groups of guests sipping on a drink, listening to the music, funny dancing, memories being built. It is difficult to think all of these moments are now on pause until further determination.
It is difficult to accept the world is facing a global crisis of this magnitude and no definite answers on when this will end. What I do know is that it will end. I know soon we will all be laughing in a beautiful event together again.
At the core of this situation, I have my clients in heart. My company is looking out for their best interest and monitoring the situation on a day by day basis to understand the implications it holds to them. My clients are the heart and soul of Harlow & Dahlia Events and with dedication will assure their weddings and events are properly managed to navigate this unprecedented situation.
I also understand many couples are being face with tough choices regarding their weddings and the timing of the Covid-19 epidemic. I thought of endless possibilities on how to help and the first initiative is a simple but useful resource guide to help through some of the toughest questions.
Please feel free to share this guide with any couples that could use the additional perspective. It’s meant to be helpful, to inspire and more importantly help everyone know that it will be okay. We don’t have the end date yet, this event has no proper timeline to follow but it has a curfew. That curfew will arrive soon enough and we will all make it through as a community, as couples ready to celebrate their beautiful day, as vendors who thrived in this sudden hit to their small businesses. We are in it together and we will thrive.
Stay tuned for more announcements on upcoming services for couples facing postponements as well as resources for small businesses struggling with the sudden circumstances.
With all my love and positivity,
Covid-19 & Weddings
Steps to manage the effect Covid-19 may have on weddings & related postponements