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The Best Event To Celebrate? Your Birthday!

And in the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.

Abraham Lincoln

Today is my birthday! Hooray for 33. I am happiest than I could have imagined. I can count upon my blessings my beautiful children and husband, my event planning company that I am so proud of building from scratch, good, reliable friends, and the list goes on and on and on to be honest. These are not small things to take for granted and nor are they particular to me. 

The reality is everyone and yes that's everyone has a reason to celebrate their birthdays. Another year to try again, another year to enjoy  life, breathe, plan, travel, work, chat, laugh, whatever the action, you can do it again. The older we become the more birthdays become taken for granted.

I created Harlow & Dahlia Events with the intention to celebrate not only my client's major life events but also the mundane ones such as a birthday. I believe every birthday should be celebrated in a somewhat glamorous way.

This year is probably one of my low key ones. I plan to do yoga, I ate breakfast with one of my best friends who shares my birthday with me then celebrate at home with my family followed by a dinner celebration with friends Friday evening at my favorite restaurant. Nonetheless I am celebrating! And in years to come I hope to up the celebration level a notch or two or three more. I thought I'd share some of my favorite event ideas on how to celebrate your birthday and not let the seasons pass you by without celebrating another year of you.

Host a Party Far, Far Away or Nearly Close 

If it's possible for you to book a trip, any trip, anywhere even 30 minutes away from home do it! You will always remember that particular year and age due to that special trip you took.

Then find a spot within that destination and go out to dinner there! Don't forget the balloons to come with.

Host a Party at Home and Include a Mimosa Bar

I tend to break rules when it comes to event planning and say that you can throw yourself a party. Invite your friends, the neighbors, decorate with your favorite tones, objects, see if friends can help decorate or turn into a potluck! The point is spending time with your loved ones. Ask your friends to dress up and spend the night away.

Most importantly include a mimosa bar! You can become so creative on decorating it, include your favorite drink picks (include non-champagne options) and I guarantee it will bring a smile to your face.

Throw a Wine & Cheese Birthday Party

If you are a wine lover, use this opportunity to ask each friend to bring a particular wine they love and pair it with local cheese fares as well as chocolate options. 

If you really want to have the most memorable cake yet, try this idea out!

Throw a Classic Affair Party

Ask your friends and family to dress up in their most fabulous gowns and join in for the fun. Throw a five or seven course meal, set up a dance space and decorate with chandeliers, lights, beautiful florals and more.

Host a Theme Party

Turning 30 or 40? How about you play up on your number and host a theme party. For example, if you are turning 30, how about a 90's theme party? Everyone can come dress in their best overalls, you can play Mario Cart in the background while everyone dances to the best of the Spice Girls.

The Ultimate Glam Party

If you really want to go all out, throw a "Great Gatsby" theme party. Add sparkle and shimmer in every corner of your venue, ask all the female guests to wear a dress with glitz, ask the gentlemen to put on the white and black tuxedo and assure you have plenty of the best champagne in town. Create a champagne tower as you have a dj or a band play away the night.

Have a Party Under the Stars

This is probably my ultimate favorite idea. Unfortunately with a November birthday in Vermont, I don't get to pick this option. Host an "al fresco" party under the stars. Set up farmhouse tables, dazzle with many, many patio string lights, decorate the tables with beautiful and delicate greenery, pick linens in a beautiful rich tone and pick foods that pair well with delicious white and green wines.

Enjoy conversation, friends and laughter as the stars come out to celebrate.

I hope you get some ideas and most importantly the inspiration to celebrate your birthday each year in a very fun manner!

-Harlow & Dahlia Events

Photo Source: Pinterest

Photo Source: Pinterest

To Brunch or Not to Brunch After Your Wedding Day

Brunch is my absolute favorite meal, there is something so delightful about enjoying a Mimosa alongside fresh fruit, pastries and other morning goodies! It prepares you for the day ahead and boasts you up with energy.

It is also in my mind the most cheerful way to culminate your wedding's weekend. A meal is the perfect opportunity for friends and families to connect and after a long night of celebrating a couple's wedding, it almost seems as if a wedding weekend brunch is the perfect bow that seals and ties together all the experiences lived through the weekend.

In searching for fun inspiration ideas, I came across this helpful list by Martha Stewart Weddings on the best set ups to make your wedding brunch just as special as your wedding reception!

Natural Rustic Tones with Apple Accents

To continue our theme of very unique decorative pieces, I just had to share this design idea by the always amazing Borrowed & Blue

This featured wedding showcases an incredibly saavy and natural way to use an item such as apples (yes, apples) and turn them into a focal point of your reception. 

Why do we love it? We love it because it is these types of non-chalant yet distinctive details that will have our guests raving about your wedding and which you can proudly say "ah yes that was my wedding"!

Check out more on this fabulous idea here: Natural & Organic Design Idea